The laser epilation is the only recognized non-invasive method for permanent removal of hair (permanent epilation). In addition to it, there is only electrolysis, considered an invasive method. The epilation laser had been used for fifteen years in the United States, before started being used worldwide. When it comes to Serbia, Epilion was the first to introduce this technique, the second in the Balkan region, remaining the best in offering this service. The laser beam is directed to the skin to the place where it is absorbed in the pigment of the hair follicle (melanin). In the skin, the light beam turns into the heat which permanently destroys the hair follicle (photothermolysis).
Being in the phase of their active growth, hair follicles which are rich in pigment are the best target for the laser beam. It should be noted that approximately 70-90 percent of hair (simultaneously) is in the growth phase (anagen phase), 1 percent – in the regression phase (catagen phase), and 10-30 percent – in the resting phase, i.e. falling out (telogen phase). Having in mind that the laser beam can permanently destroy only the hair follicle in their active growth, the procedure should be repeated 6 to 12 weeks afterward (depending on the body part being treated), when the hair follicle returns from the regression and resting phase to its growth phase.
The laser epilation also known as permanent epilation is a medical, non-invasive and most effective method of permanent removal of unwanted hair. Our patients are well aware of the fact that it is almost impossible to achieve 100% success in permanent epilation, but should know that success rates usually range from 90% – 95%.
It should be also noted there are certain types of patients who are simply “non-responsive” to this treatment, thus initiating the need for introducing completely new terms in the industry, such as “permanent hair reduction” in terms of permanent and significant reduction in the number of hair in the active growth phase.
What should you expect from laser epilation?
Each individual treatment is followed by a “resting” period lasting about 1-3 weeks (individually), after which the sparse hair, not being in the phase of active growth at the time of the first treatment, starts to grow. In average, for satisfying results a total of 4 to 5 treatments are required. In order to protect the surrounding structures of the skin from sustaining thermal damage, the most advanced models of epilation lasers are equipped with the function for cooling down the treated skin part. Apart from protecting skin from overheating, this feature has also an important role in reducing the individual sensation of pain. On parts of the body highly sensitive to pain and with greater density of hair follicles burning sensation can be felt during the laser epilation procedure.
The method is tolerated by most of the patients. After the laser treatment, the skin is slightly red, with symptoms being temporary and disappearing soon (depending on the type of skin, for some in 15 minutes, and for some in a few hours). Single treatment allows you to lose 20-30 percent of the hair. It is highly recommendable to come to the treatment with hairs that are about 1 mm long. The method is applicable to all parts of the body, with exception of the area around eyes. The treatment itself is not suitable for epileptics, pregnant women and patients with a pacemaker.
There are three types of excessive hairiness:
Feminine type (female type) hairiness
Hairiness of women according to masculine (male) type
Hirsutism with other signs of masculinisation (deep voice, protruding Adam’s apple, broad shoulders …)
- The laser epilation is medically the most advanced, the simplest, the most effective, the least painful, the cheapest and the most durable method available today in the world!
- The price of single treatment is quoted after free examination.
- The best results are achieved in people with dark, strong hair and light skin, with hormonal balance and a positive genetic status.
- So as not to damage the root of the hair, 4 weeks prior to permanent laser epilation treatment the hair should not be bleached, tweezed or waxed (to achieve maximum effects).
- After the first treatment and in between the following ones, the hair should not be bleached, tweezed or waxed! As a part for preparation for the first treatment, the hair can be removed only from the skin surface (with scissors, razor or depilation cream).
- It so happens frequently that our patients (living abroad, being pregnant, staying abroad, etc…) make longer breaks between treatments and could not help from pulling out hairs from roots or bleaching them. There is no problem with that but it should be stopped at least a month prior to the next treatment in Epilion.
- 2 weeks prior to permanent epilation treatment and 2 weeks afterwards, you should not expose your body excessively to sun or visit solariums, with mandatory use of SPF 35+.
- All year round it is advisable to use sun protection product SPF 35+.
- The use of products containing A-vitamin acid derivatives (retin-A), AHA acids, strong vitamin complexes, and skin irritants is strongly prohibited before the laser treatment. All of them are considered to be photosensitive and may lead to an unwanted reaction of the skin!
- EPILION proudly announce it can offer the best available dermatological lasers for permanent epilation at the moment thus successfully pushing frontiers of dermatology in the Balkan region. Permanent, more permanent, Epilion!
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